Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network - OAARSN

Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network

OAARSN offers information and communication tools to connect adults with Autism, family members, caregivers, friends, support workers, teachers, administrators and policymakers. We can all benefit from the opportunities for mutual support and encouragement and the sharing of knowledge and experience. Our efforts to promote positive approaches and best practices in supporting adults with Autism can help all who live and work on the front lines.

Books on the Autism Spectrum

Which book about Autism has made the greatest impression on you? Do you know any books about adults on the Autism spectrum? Though social media may now be more popular with people living and working on the frontlines, books and articles can still be valuable resources. In 1985 Guelph Services for the Autistic published an early guide to 1164 journal articles and 94 books in Annotated Bibliography of Autism 1943-1983 by Professor Tari’s team (Guelph 1985). The one full-length book about Autism, published in Canada to that date, was Autism: New Directions in Research and Education (Pergamon Press, 1980), a collection of chapters from various points of view, that still has meaning and interest.

This page focuses on books and related media about Autism, especially those that relate to adult issues. OAARSN first launched this feature in July 2000. We reproduce a sample here to give a sense of aspects of Autism that attracted people to read books around 2000. Some books on children’s issues were included then though we tried to notice all books about adult Autism. We also reproduce a list with links of books by people on the Autism spectrum.

In 2002, Waterloo-Wellington Autism Services began its longterm support of the Autism Collection of books and other materials at the Kitchener Public Library. Please search online for those keywords to find titles including ebooks. More recently, in 2017, Guelph Services for the Autistic gave a collection of books about Autism in Adulthood to the Guelph Public Library. The list of these titles is provided below to give a sense of developing interests in adult issues.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers http://www.jkp.com/ is still the leading world publisher of Autism titles. 

This publisher of professional and academic books in the social and behavioural sciences launched over 100 new books in 2000 and has continued to publish books on every aspect of Autism as well as new titles in these categories of related interest:

  • Arts therapies
  • Disabilities and special needs
  • Psychiatry and psychotherapy
  • Social work
Most Influential Books About Autism in 2000

These 13 titles about Autism in general were named by visitors to Spectrum’s site in May 2000.

  1. Let Me Hear Your Voice: a family’s triumph over Autism, by Catherine Maurice (1994)
  2. Unraveling the Mystery of Autism by Karyn Seroussi (2000)
  3. Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide, by Michael D. Powers ed. (1989)
  4. Asperger’s Syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals, by Tony Attwood (1997)
  5. Slant of Sun: One Child’s Courage, by Beth Kephart (1998)
  6. Thinking in Pictures, by Temple Grandin (1996)
  7. A Parent’s Guide to Autism, by Charles A. Hart (1993)
  8. Facing Autism: giving parents reasons for hope and guidance for help, by Lynn M. Hamilton (2000)
  9. Son-Rise, by Barry Kaufman (1976)
  10. Autistic Children: a guide, by Lorna Wing (1970); updated as The Autistic Spectrum: a guide for parents and professionals (1996)
  11. Targeting Autism: what we know, don’t know and can do to help young children with Autism, by Shirley Cohen (1998)
  12. Teaching Children with Autism: strategies to enhance communication and socialization by K. Quill, ed. (1995)
  13. Autism: explaining the enigma by Uta Frith (1992)

John Wobus who maintained the Autism Resources site from Syracuse had seen most recommendations for the following 20 books on Autism in 2000. 

  1. Let Me Hear Your Voice: : a family’s triumph over Autism, by Catherine Maurice (1994)
  2. Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism by Catherine Maurice, Gina Green, and Stephen C. Luce, with 24 contributors (1996). 
  3. The DAN Protocol (Defeat Autism Now!) DEFEAT AUTISM NOW! Clinical Options Manual for Physicians, by Sidney M. Baker, M.D. and Jon Pangborn, Ph.D. 
  4. Thinking In Pictures by Temple Grandin (1995).
  5. Teaching Developmentally Handicapped Children: The Me Book by Ivar Lovaas (1981). 
  6. Nobody Nowhere by Donna Williams (1992) 
  7. Emergence: Labeled Autistic by Temple Grandin (1986) 
  8. Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD (1997), by William Shaw, Ph.D., et al. 
  9. Somebody Somewhere by Donna Williams (1993)
  10. There’s a Boy in Here, by Judy and Sean Barron (1993).
  11. The World of the Autistic Child: Understanding and Treating Autistic Spectrum Disorders, by Bryna Siegel 
  12. Son-Rise, by Barry Kaufman (1976) 
  13. Teach Me Language by Sabrina Freeman et al. (1996) 
  14. The Sound of a Miracle, A Child’s Triumph Over Autism by Annabel Stehli (1991) 
  15. Special Diets for Special Kids by Lisa Lewis (1998) 
  16. The Social Story Book by Carol Gray (1994) 
  17. The Biology of the Autistic Syndromes, 3rd ed. By Christopher Gillberg (2000) 
  18. Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide, by Charles A. Hart (1993) 
  19. Autism: Handle with Care! by Gail Gillingham (1996)
  20. An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sachs (1995). 

Another “Top Ten” selection: 

  1. Through Alien Eyes, by Jasmine Lee O’Neill (1998) 
  2. Nobody Nowhere by Donna Williams (1992)
  3. Thinking In Pictures by Temple Grandin (1995)
  4. Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD, by Shaw et al. (1997)
  5. Special Diets for Special Kids by Lisa Lewis (1998)
  6. The Out-of-Sync Child, by Carol Stock Kranowitz. 
  7. Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism by Catherine Maurice et al. (1996)
  8. Emergence: Labeled Autistic by Temple Grandin (1986)
  9. Somebody Somewhere by Donna Williams (1993)
  10. Let Me Hear Your Voice: a family’s triumph over Autism, by Catherine Maurice (1994)

Books By People With Autism Spectrum Disorder Published by 2002

Commentary and lists by A M Baggs

Despite what Tony Attwood says in the introduction to Lucy’s Story (1999), Lucy’s book is not the first nor the only book by a person who has never used speech. In fact, the apparent first *ever* book by an autistic person was called Understand: Fifty Memowriter Poems (1985), by David Eastham [of Ottawa, Canada], who never used speech. Other books, published by 1999 by people who had not used speech are Forever Friends (David Eastham, 1990), A Child of Eternity (Adriana Rocha and Kristi Jorde, 1995, admittedly nonsensical), I Don’t Want To Be Inside Me Anymore (Birger Sellin, transl. 1995); In Dark Hours I Find My Way (Birger Sellin, transl. 1995); I Had No Means to Shout! (Charles Martel Hale Jr., 1999) Through the Eyes of Aliens by Jasmine Lee O’Neill was written in 1998 by someone who, while she has used speech, does no longer.

As to the impression that more books are published by female authors with Autism than male authors:  
Despite appearances, there are actually both more male autistic authors out there and more books by autistic male authors.  Only slightly, but still more.  Books by male autistic authors are, however, more likely to be written through facilitated communication (which many people thus don’t read or hear of) and more likely to go out of print.  If you factor in FC and staying in print, *then* there are more books by female autistic authors (which almost never go out of print).  The problem  is not one of books *existing*, but of books being widely distributed and read.

List of autistic authors and their books, sorted by gender 

The authors are numbered, and their books are also numbered.  It will be noticable that there are slightly more autistic male authors than autistic female authors, and slightly more books as well. This is true even if you eliminate forthcoming books and Stephen Wiltshire’s art (I included him because I think drawing is as valid a communication method as any other).


1. Jen Birch
        f1. Congratulations! It’s Asperger Syndrome (2003)  (Forthcoming)

2. Lucy Blackman
       f2. Lucy’s Story: Autism and Other Adventures (1999)

3. Jennifer Fan
       f3. Cinderella With Wrong Shoes: Poems by a Young Woman with Autism (2001, with Autumn Fan)

4. Gunilla Gerland
       f4. A Real Person: Life on the Outside (1996) – translated from Swedish, En riktig människa, by Joan Tate
       f5. Finding Out About Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and PDD – translated from Swedish, Det är bra att fråga… om Asperger syndrom och högfungerande Autism (1997)

5. Temple Grandin
       f6. Emergence: Labeled Autistic (1986)
       f7. Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life With Autism (1995)

6. Alison Hale
       f8. My World Is Not Your World (1998)

7. Ppinder Hundal (Forthcoming)
        f9. “now you know me think more”: A Journey with Autism using Facilitated Communication Techniques (2003) – with Pauline Lukey

8. Nita Jackson
       f10. Standing Down, Falling Up: Asperger Syndrome from the Inside Out (2002)

9. Therese Joliffe
        f11. Autism: A Personal Account (year unknown)

10. Wendy Lawson
       f12. Life Behind Glass: A Personal Account of Autism Spectrum Disorder (1998)
       f13. Understanding and Working with the Spectrum of Autism: An Insider’s View (2001)

11. Mary Newport
       f14. Autism – Asperger’s and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond (2002) – with Jerry Newport

12. Jasmine Lee O’Neill
       f15. Through the Eyes of Aliens: A Book About Autistic People (1998)

13. Dawn Prince-Hughes
        f16. Aquamarine Blue 5: Personal Stories of College Students with Autism (2002) – editor
        f17. Songs of the Gorilla Nation: An Autistic Person’s Emergence among an Ancient People (2004) – memoir not yet published, slated for 2004

14. Adriana Rocha
       f18. A Child of Eternity: An Extraordinary Young Girl’s Message from the World Beyond (1995) – with Kristi Jorde 

15. Clare Sainsbury
        f19. Martian in the Playground: Understanding the Schoolchild with Asperger Syndrome (2000)

16. Georgiana Thomas
        f20. Overcoming Autism (year unknown)

17. Liane Holliday Willey
       f21. Pretending To Be Normal: Living with Asperger Syndrome (1999)
       f22. Asperger Syndrome in the Family: Redefining Normal (2001)
       f23. Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence: Living with the Ups, the Downs and Things in Between (forthcoming)

18. Donna Williams
       f24. Nobody Nowhere: The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic (1992)
       f25. Somebody Somewhere: Breaking Free from the World of Autism (1993)
       f26. Not Just Anything: A Collection of Thoughts on Paper (1995)
       f27. Like Color to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding (1996)
       f28. Autism – An Inside Out Approach: An innovative look at the mechanics of ‘Autism’ and its developmental ‘cousins’ (1996)
       f29. Autism and Sensing: The Unlost Instinct (1998)
       f30. Exposure Anxiety – The Invisible Cage: An Exploration of Self-Protection Response in the Autism Spectrum (2002)


1. Sean Barron
        m1. There’s A Boy In Here (1992) – with Judy Barron

2. John Brine
        m2. Confusion, Loneliness, Depression: Asperger Syndrome – A Journey (2000) – with Patricia Brine

3. David Eastham
        m3. Understand: Fifty Memowriter Poems (1985)
        m4. Forever Friends (1990, posthumous)

4. Lincoln Grigsby
        m5. The Light Within (2001)

5. Charles Martel Hale, Jr.
        m6. I Had No Means to Shout! (1999) – with Mary Jane Hale

6. Kenneth Hall
        m7. Asperger Syndrome, the Universe, and Everything (2001)

7. Luke Jackson
        m8. A User Guide to the GF/CF Diet for Autism, Asperger Syndrome and AD/HD (2001) – appendices by Jacqui Jackson
        m9. Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence (2002)

8. Patrick McCabe
        m10. Living and Loving with Asperger Syndrome – with Estelle and Jared McCabe

9. Thomas A. McKean
        m11. Soon Will Come the Light: A View from Inside the Autism Puzzle (1994)
        m12. Light on the Horizon: A Deeper View Inside the Autism Puzzle (1996)

10. Desmond Meldrum
        m13. Growing Up With Asperger Syndrome (1994)
        m14. Coping with Asperger Syndrome (1997)
        m15. The Asperger Experience (1999)

11. Roger Meyer
        m16.  Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook: An Employment Workbook for Adults with Asperger Syndrome (2001)

12. David Miedzianik
        m17.  My Autobiography (1986)
        m18.  Now All I’ve Got Left Is Myself (1996 is my estimate of the *latest* date probable)
        m19.  Taking the Load off My Mind (1996 is my estimate of the *latest* date probable)

13. Tito R. Mukhopadhyay
        m20. Beyond the Silence: My Life, the World and Autism (2000)

14. Jerry Newport
        m21. Your Life Is Not a Label: A Guide to Living Fully with Autism and Asperger Syndrome for Parents, Professionals and You! (2001)
        m22. Autism – Asperger’s and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond (2002) – with Mary Newport

15. Tomas S. Page
        m23. Caught Between Two Worlds: My Autistic Dilemma (2002)

16. Chammi Rajapatirana
        m24. The Vial (2002)

17. Craig Romkema
        m25. Embracing the Sky: Poems Beyond Disability

18. Edgar Schneider
        m26. Discovering My Autism: Apologia Pro Vita Sua (With Apologies to Cardinal Newman) (1999)
        m27. Living the Good Life with Autism (2003) – Forthcoming

19. Marc Segar
        m28. Coping: A Survival Guide for People with Asperger Syndrome (1997)

20. Birger Sellin
        m29. I Don’t Want To Be Inside Me Anymore: Messages From An Autistic Mind (1995) – translated from German, Ich will kein inmich mehr sein, botschaften aus einem autistischen kerker (1993), by Anthea Bell
        m30. In Dark Hours I Find My Way: Messages From An Autistic Mind (1995) – possibly translated from the same book (1993) – note that he did write two books *in German* (other is “Ich deserteur einer artigen autistenrasse” – neue botschaften an das volk der oberwelt), there are 2 published in English, so I counted him as “2 books”

21. Stephen Shore
        m31. Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome (2001)

22. Christopher Slater-Walker
        m32. An Asperger Marriage (2002) – with Gisela Slater-Walker

23. William Stillman
        m33. Demystifying the Autistic Experience: A Humanistic Introduction for Parents, Caregivers, and Educators (2002)

25. Stephen Wiltshire
        m34. Drawings (1985)
        m35. Cities (1987)
        m36. Floating Cities (1991)
        m37. Stephen Wiltshire’s American Dream (1993)

OAARSN’S Featured Books on Adult Autism Issues

OAARSN’S FEATURED BOOKS ON ADULT AUTISM ISSUES with OAARSN Reviews, 2000-2003,, in reverse date order.

Books reviewed represent the following categories:

  • First Person Accounts by People on the Autism Spectrum
  • Second Person Accounts by Parents and Caregivers
  • General Guides for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers
  • Diagnosis, Descriptions, Types, and Factors of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Service Models and Best Practices
  • Specific Treatments and Therapies
Autism Books given by GSA to Guelph Public Library in 2017 for Special Collection about Autism in Adults

Compiled from lists of “top titles” mainly published since 2012. Some reflections on the exercise of choosing these titles about adult Autism issues:

We are impressed by the range of titles about Autism Spectrum Conditions in Adults (ASC is becoming the preferred generic term for all of Autism as it is less pathological than Autism Spectrum Disorder). 

What an explosion of research and publication in the past 10 years! Great credit should go to Jessica Kingsley Publishers, celebrating its 30th year in 2017. But there’s very little about Canadian experience and innovations.

Many new books are actually by people on the Autism Spectrum; or if not, their authors are much more sensitive to the points of view of autistics themselves and more positive and respectful than in the past.

More positive emphasis is placed on a person’s gifts and circumstances, rather than trying to fix what’s wrong.  

We included some light-hearted and insightful titles such as those by Kathy Hoopmann.

Sensory issues have come into clearer focus, including in planning environments that help people to thrive. For GSA supporters and others interested in creating good homes, we recommend At home with Autism : designing housing for the spectrum / Kim Steele, Sherry Ahrentzen / Kim Steele, Sherry Ahrentzen | Policy Press | 2016.

People with more complex needs at the severe end of the spectrum are not always discussed with similar respect, notably people who cannot use their voices and who are assumed to be cognitively as well as communicatively impaired. 

While there is still a shortage of books about communication supports, the top Autism book of 2017 must be Naoki Higashida’s Fall Down 7 times Get up 8, translated by David Mitchell. Friends of GSA and Bridges: If there’s only one book about Autism you can read this year, this should be it. It’s good to report that GPL already has this book as well as Naoki’s earlier The Reason I Jump (2013).

  1. 101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders, Delaney, Tara 
  2. Adults on the Autism Spectrum Leave the Nest: Achieving Supported Independence by Nancy Perry, November 15, 2008 
  3. A Full Life with Autism: From Learning to Forming Relationships to Achieving Independence Mar 27, 2012 by Chantal Sicile-Kira and Jeremy Sicile-Kira
  4. All Birds Have Anxiety Mar 21 2017 by Kathy Hoopmann  Hardcover 
  5. All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome Oct 15 2006 by Kathy Hoopmann 
  6. All Dogs Have ADHD Sep 23 2008 by Kathy Hoopmann 
  7. An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed Gillan Drew Through personal experiences, this book discusses social challenges of life on the spectrum with sensible advice for practical situations, and helpful resources and strategies for moving forward. 2017, 
  8. Aspergers and Adulthood: A Guide to Working, Loving, and Living With Asperger Syndrome Paperback – August 28, 2015 by Blythe Grossberg PsyD (Author)
  9. Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome Jun 15 2010 by Rudy Simone 
  10. An Asperger’s guide to entrepreneurship : setting up your own business for professionals with Autism Bergemann, Rosalind Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015
  11. At home with Autism : designing housing for the spectrum / Kim Steele, Sherry Ahrentzen / Kim Steele, Sherry Ahrentzen | Policy Press | 2016  
  12. Autism adulthood : strategies and insights for a fulfilling life / Susan Senator. NY : Skyhorse Publishing, [2016] 
  13. Autism and Enablement Occupational Therapy Approaches to Promote Independence for Adults with Autism Matt Bushell, Sandra Gasson and Ute Vann A practical guide that can be adapted for range of abilities to improve wellbeing and help adults to better manage their day-to-day lives. Nov 2017, 184pp
  14. Autism and everyday executive function: a strengths-based approach for improving attention, memory, Moraine, Paula Philadelphia, PA : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016 
  15. Autism and Loss Rachel Forrester-Jones and Sarah Broadhurst, JKP, 2007. A complete resource that covers various kinds of loss, including bereavement, loss of friends or staff, loss of home or possessions and loss of health. The resource includes a wealth of factsheets and practical tools that provide formal and informal carers with authoritative, tried and tested guidance. 
  16. Autism and Solution-focused practice Els Mattelin and Hannelore Volckaert This trailblazing book equips practitioners to help clients with Autism live well, using adaptable methods and showing how to approach Autism in a positive, respectful way, and to understand clients’ ways of thinking. Jun 2017 
  17. Autism equality in the workplace : removing barriers and challenging discrimination / Janine Booth ; foreword by John McDonnell MP / Book | Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 2016
  18. Autism in History: The Case of Hugh Blair of Borgue Paperback – Illustrated, Nov 30 2000 by Rab Houston (Author), Uta Frith (Author) 
  19. Autism movement therapy method: waking up the brain! / Joanne Lara with Keri Bowers ; foreword by Stephen M. Shore / Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 2016
  20. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life  Edited by Scott D. Wright, PhD  Bringing together a wealth of professional and academic research, alongside personal insights into aging and Autism, this edited sourcebook focusses on the challenges faced by individuals who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and are middle aged or older. 2016
  21. Autism Translated: Five Steps to Help You Understand & Connect With Teens and Adults on the Spectrum Paperback – March 10, 2016 by Toni Boucher (Author) 
  22. Bittersweet on the Autism Spectrum Edited by Luke Beardon, PhD and Dean Worton. 28 authors with Autism share how they overcame obstacles to enjoy life to the full, via transformative moments, newfound passions and downright determination.  2017, Paperback, 8.50in x 5.51in, 272pp
  23. Born on a Blue Day Feb 22 2007 by Daniel Tammet Paperback 
  24. Communicating better with people on the Autism spectrum : 35 things you need to know / Paddy-Joe Moran Book | Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 2016 
  25. Communication Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Do we speak the same language? 1st Edition. 2005. By Olga Bogdashina. Chapter 13, pp.219-245, “Selecting communication systems” includes a short discussion of FC.
  26. The Complete Guide to Getting a Job for People with Asperger Syndrome: Find the Right Career and Get Hired. By Barbara Bissonnette, JKP 2012. 
  27. Crime and Autism spectrum disorder : myths and mechanisms Brewer, Neil (Neil Douglas) London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015
  28. Developing resilience in young people with Autism by using Social Stories ™ Siobhan Timmins, JKP July 11, 2017. 
  29. Different not Less, Temple Grandin et al. 2012
  30. Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: A Young Man’s Voice from the Silence of Autism Jul 11 2017 by Naoki Higashida and KA Yoshida  Hardcover
  31. Fitting in / Colin Thompson / Colin Thompson | Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 2016
  32. Getting IT: Using Information Technology to Empower People with Communication Difficulties by Ann Aspinall and Dinah Murray 2006
  33. Holding in the Storm: my life with Autism, GSA for Bridges, 2014
  34. How to start, carry on and end conversations: Scripts for social situations for people on the Autism spectrum by Paul Jordan (Author), Tony Attwood (Foreword) 
  35. I Might Be You: An Exploration of Autism and Connection eBook: Barb Rentenbach, Lois Prislovsky: 2012
  36. Implementing Person-centered Planning: Voices of Experience Paperback by Connie Lyle O’Brien (Author), John O’Brien (Author) 2002, 
  37. In Our Own Words Booklet  First-hand accounts by Ontario adults on the Autism spectrum. A joint project between Autism Ontario and The Autism Group. c2004. 
  38. Inside Asperger’s Looking Out Sep 15 2012 by Kathy Hoopmann Hardcover 
  39. Life on the Autism Spectrum – A Guide for Girls and Women Karen McKibbin This practical guide follows Alison, a girl with Asperger Syndrome, through childhood and womanhood to explain the key issues that females with Autism Spectrum Disorder face with practical tools and advice to help them in daily life. 2015, Paperback $22.19
  40. Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum, by Soraya, 17.29
  41. Love, Partnership, or Singleton on the Autism Spectrum Edited by Luke Beardon, PhD and Dean Worton. Personal perspectives on relationships on the Autism spectrum, 26 contributors sharing what they have learned so far. With a diverse range of viewpoints, an intimate report on how people have made relationships work, how they have failed and how they have chosen to be on their own. 2017, Paperback 
  42. Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life Oct 21 2014 by Cynthia Kim Paperback CDN$ 21.82
  43. Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions An Introduction and Guide by Wenn Lawson. Foreword by Carol Povey. The first book to address this subject, with first-hand stories and the latest research. It will help to support older adults through lifestyle changes as well as physical and sensory challenges post-retirement. 2015, 208pp 
  44. Prosody Intervention for High-Functioning Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Enhancing communication and social engagement through voice, rhythm, and pitch. By Michelle Dunn and Larry Harris, illustrated by Julia Dunn. When making the transition from education to the workplace, young people with ASD can find their opportunities limited by their impaired prosody. This book offers an alternative therapy–by identifying the physical sensations of communication–to professionals.  2016. 
  45. Real People, Regular Lives: Autism, Communication and Quality of Life Book by Sally R. Young. 2011. 
  46. Sensing the City An Autistic Perspective  By Sandra Beale-Ellis, Foreword by Luke Beardon A first-hand sensory perspective on experiencing a city for someone with ASD and sensory issues. Aug 2017, 176pp.
  47. Sensory issues for adults with Autism spectrum disorder / Diarmuid Heffernan / Diarmuid Heffernan | Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 2016 
  48. Sensory perceptual issues in Autism and Asperger syndrome : different sensory experiences–different perceptual worlds. Bogdashina, Olga London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016 
  49. Sex, Drugs and Asperger Syndrome (ASD) A User Guide to Adulthood Luke Jackson, Foreword by Tony Attwood A sparkling sequel to Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome. Offering personal insights, he covers everything from bullying and drugs to finding a job, navigating relationships, and sex. 2017
  50. Sharing Our Wisdom: A Collection of Presentations by People Within the Autism Spectrum Paperback – 2003 by G.; McClennen, S. [Editors] Gillingham (Author) $5
  51. Somebody Somewhere: Breaking Free From The World Of Autism Paperback – Apr 1 1995 by Donna Williams (Author) $36
  52. Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening Feb 7, 2017 by John Elder Robison and Alvaro Pascual-Leon Paperback 
  53. The Autism Revolution: whole-body strategies for making life all it can be. By Martha Herbert, 2012. Harvard Medical School.
  54. The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed Apr 1 2014 by Temple Grandin and Richard Panek Paperback 
  55. The Courage to Fail, the Will to succeed: 20 years of the LiveWorkPlay Experience, 2015
  56. The guide to good mental health on the Autism spectrum Purkis, Jeanette, 1974- London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016 
  57. The Incredible 5-Point Scale: Assisting Students in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses Nov 17 2013 by Kari Dunn Buron Paperback 
  58. The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults May 1 2016 by Debra Moore Ph.D. and Temple Grandin Ph.D. 
  59. The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism Mar 22 2016 by Naoki Higashida and KA Yoshida Paperback 
  60. The Science of Making Friends, (w/DVD
  61. The Mind Tree: A Miraculous Child Breaks the Silence of Autism: Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay: 2011. 
  62. The New Social Story Book, Revised and Expanded 15th Anniversary Edition: Over 150 Social Stories that Teach Everyday Social Skills to Children and Adults with Autism and their Peers Nov 28 2015 by Carol Gray 
  63. The Philosophy of Autism: Jami L. Anderson, Simon Cushing …”a philosophically rich analysis of issues raised by Autism, affording dignity and respect to those impacted by Autism”. Includes essay by David DeVidi. 
  64. The Science of Making Friends, (w/DVD): Helping Socially Challenged Teens and Young Adults Sep 10 2013 by Elizabeth Laugeson and John Elder Robison Paperback 
  65. Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism: Everything You Need to Know from Autistics, Parents, and Professionals Nov 28 2011 by Jennifer Byde Myers and Liz Ditz Paperback 
  66. Understanding and Evaluating Autism Theory Nick Chown  The first guide to all theoretical output, including ‘mainstream’ and ‘alternative’, as well as non-specific theories that can be applied to Autism and Asperger syndrome. 2016, Paperback 
  67. Unemployed on the Autism spectrum: how to cope productively with the effects of unemployment and jobhunt with confidence. Carley, Michael John London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016 
  68. Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): How Seeking a Diagnosis in Adulthood Can Change Your Life Aug 21, 2014 by Philip Wylie and Luke Beardon 
  69. The Weighted Blanket Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions May 19 2016 by Eileen Parker and Cara Koscinski 2016 
  70. Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age by Sarah Hendrickx Written for professionals, women on the spectrum and their families, the book explores how women with ASD experience diagnosis, childhood, education, adolescence, employment, sexuality, pregnancy, motherhood and aging. 2015, 
  71. Writers on the Spectrum: How Autism and Asperger Syndrome have Influenced Literary Writing By Julie Brown Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2010 

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